Mastering Naming Conventions: Why Good Names Matter in Programming (Insights from 25+ Years of Developer Wisdom)


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Naming conventions might seem like a minor detail, but they’re one of the most crucial aspects of writing clean, effective code. In programming, names are like signposts: they guide readers through complex structures, making code easier to understand and maintain. At StartupHakk, we know that foundational coding skills can transform a beginner into a full-stack developer in just three months. One key area we emphasize is mastering naming conventions, which will make your code cleaner, your structures clearer, and your entire project more cohesive.

In this blog, we’ll dive into why naming conventions are the “essence of clean code.” With insights from 25+ years of developer wisdom, we’ll share examples, common pitfalls, and practical tips to improve your naming skills. By the end, you’ll see how a simple, well-chosen name can transform your code quality.

Why Naming Matters in Code

Naming in code goes far beyond labeling functions or variables. It defines your code’s readability, usability, and overall structure. Just as names hold power in myths and stories, names in code can reveal the true purpose of a function, object, or variable. A well-chosen name can describe what the code does, how it interacts with other parts, and the problem it’s solving.

Poor naming, however, can make your code cryptic and challenging to follow. Consider a function named demo with parameters labeled a and b. If this function calculates demographics, the vague names demo, a, and b will leave future readers (including your future self!) guessing. This is where naming conventions step in to help define the essence and purpose of each piece of code.

The Essence of Clean Code: Naming Is 90% of the Battle

Clean code is not just about getting the syntax right; it’s about making your code readable and meaningful. Studies show that nearly 90% of clean code comes down to good naming. Why? Because names communicate purpose. They let you understand what a function or variable does at a glance. And while it may seem easy, choosing the right name is often the hardest part of programming.

Experienced developers say that naming is as much an art as it is a skill. Each name needs to balance clarity and brevity. The ideal name is both meaningful and to the point. Let’s look at some common naming mistakes and how to avoid them.

Examples of Common Naming Mistakes

  1. Example #1: The Misleading Function
    Suppose you have a function named demo that takes in a and b as parameters. This function calculates demographic statistics. But “demo” and “a” and “b” are too vague—they don’t convey the function’s real purpose. A developer who reads this might struggle to understand its use.
    The Solution: Rename demo to fetchDemographicStatsForFirstAndLastName and rename a and b to firstName and lastName. With this change, the function’s purpose is now transparent. You immediately understand what it does and the data it handles. This not only makes the code clearer but also more maintainable over time.
  2. Example #2: The Overloaded Function
    Another common issue is a function that tries to do too much, like a function named getJobId. The name suggests that it retrieves a job ID, but in reality, it’s setting up a machine, starting a Docker worker, and executing a job. The simplicity of the name hides the complexity within the function.
    The Solution: Break down this overloaded function into smaller, purpose-driven functions like procureFreeMachine, setUpDockerWorker, and startExecutingJob. Now each function has a clear and focused purpose, making the code easier to follow and work with.

Establishing Good Naming Practices

Good naming is all about clarity, conciseness, and context. A good name should be understandable without requiring deep knowledge of the code. It should “tell the story” of what the code is doing without being overly creative or complex. When you’re naming a function or variable, think about its essence. What is its primary purpose? The name should directly reflect that.

Here’s a simple rule: If the name doesn’t make sense immediately, rethink it. Code should be intuitive to read. When you name functions based on their purpose, it gives future developers a roadmap to navigate the code easily.

Common Indicators of Bad Naming and What It Means

Bad naming often indicates a deeper issue with the code structure. For instance, a name that doesn’t align with the function’s purpose may suggest that the code lacks focus or is trying to accomplish too much in one place. Bad names can also reflect a codebase that hasn’t been maintained or updated, as newer developers may struggle to interpret vague or cryptic names.

If you find yourself struggling to name something, it might be a clue that your code could benefit from a refactor. A long, convoluted name often means that the function is doing more than it should, which is a great time to consider breaking it into smaller, focused components.

Tips for Choosing Effective Names

Choosing names isn’t always straightforward, but these tips can help:

  1. Start with a Comment: Write out what the function or variable is doing in a comment. Then, condense that description into a concise name.
  2. Avoid Complex Names: If the name feels complicated, it might mean the function is too complex. Break it down until the name naturally fits.
  3. Use Contextual Names: Use names that match the surrounding code context. The name should make sense in the larger framework of the code.
  4. Use Descriptive Names Sparingly: Descriptive names are great, but don’t go overboard. Balance clarity with brevity.

For example, if you’re working with a function that calculates sales tax, calculateSalesTax is clear and descriptive, whereas getTax could be misleading if your code also deals with income tax, import tax, or other tax types.

The Role of Naming in Code Reviews

Naming conventions are critical in code reviews. A well-thought-out name often makes the purpose of the code evident, allowing for a quicker review process. Good names act as signposts, guiding other developers to understand the structure and function of the code without excessive comments.

Naming in code

During code reviews, a clear name can help the reviewer pinpoint potential issues or suggest improvements. When you put effort into naming, your code is more likely to be understood, and reviewers can focus on optimizing functionality rather than deciphering what each part does.


Naming conventions are not just a stylistic choice—they’re a reflection of clear thought and intentional code structure. By practicing effective naming, you create cleaner, more maintainable code. Each name you choose has the power to improve the readability, usability, and quality of your project.

As you grow in your programming career, remember the lessons of naming conventions. Mastering this skill will make your code clearer, your development process smoother, and your projects more successful. At StartupHakk, we’re passionate about helping aspiring developers like you become proficient in these essential skills.


What are your thoughts on naming conventions? Have you encountered similar challenges? Share your experiences in the comments below! And if you’re interested in learning more about foundational programming practices, visit us at We take beginners from zero experience to full-stack software developers in just three months. Join us on your journey to becoming a confident, capable coder!

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